Frandy Tree Star Trail
Star trails from the movement of the heavens as the earth hurtles and rotates it’s way through the cosmos as seen from the Frandy tree.
as the earth spins on it’s axis throughout the night the stars move across the sky. the pivot point of this rotation is directed almost exactly towards the North Star, so in relation to Polaris (The North Star) all of the stars of the night sky spin around it creating a sort of vortex that stretches into space.
With an extremely long shutter speed or multiple long shutter speed photos you can capture the rotation of the earth as it spins in space by capturing the light trails (Star Trail) from the stars as they pass across the night sky.
This is a series of around 300 30s long exposure photos stacked together to create a 2.6 hour long exposure to capture 2.6 hours worth of star trail movement.
This framed print is a limited edition 1 of 25 print, signed and dated with date of print and unique number to confirm which order in the run it was printed